


“Our dream is to transform and scale career connections between students and employers so that all students have equitable access to high quality, work-based learning opportunities and employers are proactively involved in shaping their evolving workforce requirements.”


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What People Are Saying


“These programs deliver an enriched experience for both students and employers, as they promote student interest and academic success while training them to potentially fill the jobs that employers may have a difficult time filling. Additionally, they will help prepare our students to meet 21st Century workplace demands by helping them develop the technical and soft skills they need to succeed.”

— Jacqui Irwin, California State Assemblymember, AD 44

“When high schools, colleges and employers form a centralized coherent hub of support, our students and local economy benefits. The Career Hub establishes an ecosystem of support for our young people, placing employers at the core alongside high school and colleges in developing learning linked to industry defined competencies. In particular, low income and minority students get career guidance leading to social and economic prosperity.”

— Dr. Julius Sokenu Ed.D. President, Moorpark Community College