Our Employers Make
The Difference
What People Are Saying
“Ventura County employers know that WBL experiences are key to training the next generation of workers, but until now they didn’t know how to get involved.
The Career Hub offers an efficient smorgasbord of opportunities that suits every employer’s ability to partner. Students and employers alike are going to benefit from the connections provided by the Career Hub.”
— Marybeth Jacobsen, Workforce Education Coalition
“As a young woman entering into my career I found nothing more valuable than the opportunities I had in my CTE program that set the foundations for what I would later call On The Job Training. When I started my first job in the printing industry knowing only what my teacher had prepared me for, I quickly learned that I did not know it all. It was my employer that would take me from student to professional in a matter of weeks.
Looking back on the experience reminded me of what we call Work-Based Learning now. Today we bring on interns and apprentices because we find that these students are motivated to learn, and learn fast. They often become more proficient than a regular employee with less time.
The unexpected benefit from hiring these students is that they taught us a lot too. They bring energy, new perspective, and, often ideas that surface from the interactions result in rewards for both us and them. Ultimately it created a skilled pipeline for us to count on for years."
— Loretta Cabuyadao, Owner, Kopy King, Simi Valley