How you can support our youth on their career journey
What People Are Saying
“Work-Based Learning is an investment in our local workforce, businesses, and community. When we provide youth and workers opportunities to gain work experience, develop technical, professional, and soft skills; we not only provide for a skilled workforce with career pathways, but a ready trained candidate pipeline for employers. Employers training costs are lowered, recruitment costs decrease while retention increases, leading toward economic stability and growth for employers. Our community thrives, as, when our workforce thrives and businesses thrive we see a reduction in unemployment and a reduction in poverty, together with an increase in business attraction, economic prosperity and greater quality of life for all.”
— Melissa Livingston- Director, Ventura County Human Services Agency
“Work based learning is crucial to better prepare our students for high-wage, high-skill careers that are currently in demand. These programs provide real-life experiences and an opportunity for students to learn on the job, while making a connection to perhaps their next career.”
— Jeannette Sánchez-Palacios, City of Ventura, Council Member